Dario martinis

Helping you evolve beyond inner boundaries


Dario martinis

Helping you evolve beyond inner boundaries

You ain't gonna become yourself without breaking a sweat.

But the boon of being just you, just yourself, is beyond any other.It's beyond the momentary excitement of reaching a goal or having a party. It's beyond calmness or agitation.It's like a river that finally flows freely, more and more. It's about finding yourself and going with it.I sweated along the path and have been helped at several stages by great friends and teachers.If you're looking for support in evolving beyond inner boundaries to:

  • Move forward with more ease and less stress.

  • Tune in and follow your heart and intuition.

  • Break free from being stuck in a life or mindset that longer fits.

  • Rewaken a sense of adventure, enthusiasm and wonder.

I'm at your service.You can check my guide, "Becoming Yourself - A Guide for the Unbound Individual".You can check the private coaching & consulting page to know more about what I can do for you.You can sneak a peek into my about page if you're curious to know a little more about my storyOr, contact me directly for inquiries, such as speeches or podcast invitations

I'm neither a chest-pumping motivational speaker nor a holy Zen guru.

I'm a bit of both, and a lot of neither. Sometimes, I help my clients tap into a profound source of confidence to move forward and reach their dreams.Sometimes, I guide them to dissolve conditioning and learning, i.e., what they think they want, but truly don't.In essence, everything I do supports you in moving forward in the most authentic and sustainable way.My clients often report these immediate and long-term effects:Lightness and Flow
While they ditch the control freak and allow themselves to shine for who they are, a sense of lightness emerges in their hearts and minds.
Strength and Confidence
The confidence they tap into is not conditional—dependent on something or someone—but unfettered, free.
Direction with Simplicity
This is not the "you gotta find your purpose" trope of self-help books, but a simple sense of being tuned to the right frequency, looking forward to tomorrow without missing the gift of today.
Love and Connection
We can connect with and love others to the extent that we love and connect with ourselves. Thanks to a deeper trust in the process of life and in themselves, my client's hearts and minds free up space for others.
Impact and Contribution
As they free up space for others, they find themselves becoming better leaders, partners, parents, and friends. Inevitably, the way they show up and the decisions they make have positive effects that ripple socio-systemically.
For some, the desire to contribute is so strong that they decide to change or adjust their careers accordingly, and I love to support them as they do so.

Sounds like stuff you would like more of?

Great, then I may be just the right guy for you.And there's only one way to find out: by jumping on a call together, having a nice chat, and seeing what happens.That's why I invite you to book a complimentary call using the button below.But before you do so, please make sure to read this info carefully:

  • I'm not a therapist; my programs are designed for your personal and professional evolution. If you're grappling with medical issues, please seek the advice of a professional.

  • All my programs are highly customized based on your needs and goals. As such, I don't know the price beforehand. But, to give you an idea and prevent any surprises about affordability, here are two examples:

3.400 £

  • Duration: 3-month program.

  • Half-day Intensive: Available online.

  • Follow-Ups: Six 60-minute sessions.

  • Booking: Access to an automatic calendar for easy scheduling.

  • Support: Text Q&A via WhatsApp or Telegram.

  • Session Recordings & AI Transcripts: Available upon request.

  • Bonus Material: Provided if needed.

Platinum Intensive
6.900 £

  • Duration: 6-month program.

  • 2-Day Intensive: Available in-person or online.

  • Follow-Ups: Six 60-minute sessions.

  • Booking: Access to an automatic calendar for easy scheduling.

  • Support: Text Q&A via WhatsApp or Telegram.

  • Session Recordings & AI Transcripts: Available upon request.

  • Bonus Material: Provided if needed.

If all of this sounds good to you, then please click the button. Can't wait to meet you.

Becoming Yourself

A Guide for the Unbound Individual

Even the most driven and smart individuals may find themselves stuck in:

  • A stressful life

  • An unsatisfying job

  • An unfulfilling relationship

  • A mindset that no longer fits

  • Behaviours that no longer reflect them

If any of those sounds like you, this free guide can help propel you out of the stuckness and move you forward—into an easier life filled with more peace, inner freedom, and flow.A life unbound.

I come from a city on the Italian coast:

Although filled with beauty and the smell of sea salt, it is one of the regions with the oldest population in the world.For that reason, among others, it was not an easy life for someone who loves to trailblaze.So, that's where my journey to become myself started, and that's why I became so proficient with the process—the divide between what I truly wanted and my upbringing was immense.I started early to feel uncomfortable in my own skin and profoundly dissatisfied with the paths society was laying out in front of me.By the age of 18, I had spent all my meager savings on a personal development course.By the age of 21, I had dropped out of college to become a digital entrepreneur.At 23, I was fully involved in the digital marketing industry, had thousands of students, and was connected with prominent Italian coaches and trainers.At 30, the height of my popularity, I decided to abruptly change my career and pursue my calling: to help others live a life unbound, connected with their deepest desires and sense of self.Why?Well, I believe that at the core of every human being, there is a source of positive power, beauty, and strength waiting to be uncovered.And... can I be frank?I love to see my clients light up and flow. But ultimately, I'm in it because I believe uncovering that source can radically change the world. One person at a time, starting with me and you.If you resonate and want to know more about my style and story, you can download "Becoming Yourself - A Guide for the Unbound Individual" for free.

Some Current and Past Projects:

- 2023 - Present
- LitFully: Upgrade Your Inner Lifestyle | Co-founder
- 2023 - Present
- LitFully Italia: Upgrade Your Inner Lifestyle | Co-founder
- 2016 - Present
- DigitalStress NGO: Happy and Healthy in the Digital World | Google© Ad Grant Recipient | Co-founder
- 2018 - 2023
- LeggeriLife.com: Ditch the Overthinker, Flow with Lightness | Co-founder
- 2014
- BlogElite: Become a Blog Authority | Co-founder
- 2013
- DirectExpert: More Income, More Free Time for Experts | Co-founder
- 2012 - 2013
- Dario & Andrea's Podcast: iTunes Top Charts Italy | Host
- 2012
- CR Coaching Experience: Trainer & Coach
- 2011 - 2012
- Live Off Your Passion Podcast: iTunes Top Charts Italy | Host
- 2009
- The Revolution of the New Internet Marketing: Bestselling DVD | Co-Author
- 2007 - 2012
- Cerchia Ristretta: Turn Your Passions into an Online Business | Trainer & Coach
- 2007
- Infomarketing Solutions: Co-founder

Are you a coach or an aspiring one?

Have you seen me around or read my content and would like to learn how I do what I do?Although I am now focused on building my practice catering to non-industry professionals, I also love to support coaches and therapists on their journey.We can schedule an intake to discover together if and how I can support your evolution moving forward.Please make sure to review my rates at the bottom of the page here before booking a call.Looking forward to our chat!Here's what some of the coaches and therapists I've supported have said:

The ultimate aim of the quest must be neither release nor ecstasy for oneself, but the wisdom and the power to serve others.
— Joseph Campbell

Contact Me

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Your message has safely landed in my inbox. I check and respond to messages mainly from Tuesday to Friday.Your message is important to me, and I will get back to you as soon as possible during those days. Talk to you soon!